Fauna Fats and Oils

In Fats and Oils Handbook, 1998

3.2.4 Mutton Tallow

Mutton tallow is produced mainly in countries with large stocks of sheep and high consumption of mutton. Around 450 million sheep and lambs are slaughtered yearly, yielding >6 MMT of meat. Bold ∼3% of fatty (living weight), this corresponds to ∼0.5 MMT of total fat or ∼0.2 MMT of rendered fat. In some countries (for instance, Iran) fatty-tail sheep, which store fat in a eolith under the tail, are raised. This is used for fat product past hanging the tail in a warm environment and collecting the fatty dripping out in a small bucket.

The fatty acid spectrum of mutton tallow resembles that of beef tallow with the predominant fatty acids being palmitic, stearic and oleic acrid (Fig. 3.33) The proportion of trans fatty acids is very high (∼10%). The definition of mutton tallow is the aforementioned as that of beef tallow (run into Chapter three.2.3). Table 3.13 gives the fact file of mutton tallow.

Fig. iii.33. Fatty composition of mutton tallow.

Tabular array three.xiii. Fact File of Mutton Tallow

German: Hammeltalg French: suif de mouton Spanish: sebo de cordero
Relative density (at forty°C; ref. h2o 20°C) 0.893–0.904
Refractive alphabetize (northD 40) 1.448–1.460
Saponification value (mg KOH/g oil) 190–202
Iodine value (Wijs method) 32–50
Melting signal: 45–fifty°C Solidification point 30–38°C
Solids content at (°C/°F) 10/fifty 20/68 30/86 35/95
(%) 60 37 twenty 12

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BY-PRODUCTS | Inedible

H.W. Ockerman , 50. Basu , in Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences (2nd Edition), 2014

Inedible Tallow

Tallow is primarily derived from rendered beef tissue just tin contain other animal fatty also. In terms of total volume and economical value, tallow is one of the most important animate being fats. The term 'inedible' does non define any specific class or specification other than that the rendering or processing was not conducted under food regulatory supervision. Edible beast fatty in the United states can be rendered only in food-grade plants under inspection of the US Department of Agriculture. Most countries take similar requirements. Tallow is accompanied by many grades, specifications, and criteria depending on its cease employ. Titer is a bones specification requiring solidification higher up 40  °C (104   °F) after saponification. In contrast, greases solidify beneath this temperature. Fatty quality is determined past hardness, colour, moisture, impurities, stability, and free fatty acid (FFA) content. For reference, the article trading standards for tallow and greases are included in Table 6. These specifications place an emphasis on titer and FFA content in determining grade and value. For soap production, 'hard fats' or fats of loftier titer brand lather of difficult textures, whereas lower titer fats make softer textured soap. Fats with higher FFA contents have a greater glycerin loss in the soap-making process, which lowers their value.

Table 6. Commodity trading standards for tallow and grease

Titer (min) FFA (min) MIU
Basis Max
  Extra fancy 42.0 two i
  Fancy twoscore.5 4 ane
  Bleachable fancy 40.v four 1 2
  Prime 40.5 6 one 2
  Edible 42.five 1 1
Dark tallow
  Special 40.5 ten 1 iii
  1 40.5 15 2 iv
  three 40.5 20 2 iv
  2 40.0 35 two iv
Choice white (all squealer) 36 iv 1 2
Yellow (feed fatty) 36 15 2 4

Abbreviations: FFA, free fat acids; MIU, moisture, impurities, and unsaponifiables.

These specifications, however, do not take the aforementioned influence on the value of fat utilization when used as feed ingredients. The primary do good of using fats in animal diets is their energy contribution. Fats provide the most concentrated energy of all food/feed materials, containing approximately 37   kJ of energy per gram. As a general rule, fatty provides at least ii.25 times the energy content supplied from the aforementioned weight of corn. In some formulations, management conditions, and species, the difference may be as high every bit 3.8 times the energy of feed grains.

Tallow is used extensively as a feed ingredient. Chemically, animal feeding fats are triacylglycerols, whose structure consists of 1 unit of measurement of glycerol and 3 units of fatty acids. The fat acids are actually the components that give the respective fats their private characteristics. Tabular array 7 provides fatty acid profiles for the respective mammalian-derived fats. Most fatty acids found in natural fats vary in chain length between 8 and 24 carbon atoms. Feeding fats are predominantly of chain lengths betwixt fourteen and 18 carbon atoms. Fatty acids that contain double bonds are termed 'unsaturated' (the number of double bonds is indicated after the number of carbon atoms; thus, Cxvi:three is a sixteen-carbon fatty acid with 3 double bonds). Conversely, structures without double bonds are termed 'saturated' fatty acids. As the carbon concatenation length increases in saturated fatty acids, the melting betoken increases. In other words, they possess higher titer and are thus 'harder.' A comparing of various animal fats, marine oils, and vegetable oils is provided in Tabular array 8.

Tabular array vii. Properties of fats and greases a

Exam Chicken fat Yellow grease Choice grease White tallow
Fat acid profile (% relative)
Cviii:0 <0.10 <0.10 <0.x <0.ten
C10:0 <0.10 <0.10 <0.ten <0.10
C11:0 <0.10 <0.x <0.10 <0.10
C12:0 <0.ten <0.10 <0.10 <0.ten
C14:0 0.57 0.70 ane.57 2.73
C14:1 0.26 0.14 0.36 0.50
C15:0 <0.10 0.11 0.26 0.43
C15:i <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.sixteen
Csixteen:0 22.76 xiv.26 22.04 22.99
C16.1 eight.37 1.43 5.03 2.86
Csixteen.2 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.ten
C16.3 <0.10 <0.10 <0.ten <0.x
C16.four <0.10 <0.ten <0.10 <0.10
C17.0 0.eleven 0.33 0.63 1.35
Cl7.l 0.12 0.23 0.43 0.75
Cl8.0 five.36 8.23 9.95 19.44
Cxviii.1 42.07 43.34 42.45 41.60
Cl8.2 17.fourteen 26.25 xiii.17 3.91
Cl8.iii 1.07 two.51 0.97 0.49
Cl8.4 0.22 0.47 0.29 0.36
Cxx.0 <0.10 0.33 0.14 0.xiv
C20.ane 0.45 0.48 0.56 0.33
C20.ii 0.20 <0.10 0.19 0.10
C20.3 0.xix <0.10 0.12 <0.ten
C20.four 0.45 <0.x 0.34 <0.10
C20.five <0.10 <0.ten 0.xi <0.10
C21.v <0.x <0.x <0.10 <0.10
C22.o <0.10 three.50 <0.10 <0.x
C22.ane <0.ten <0.10 <0.ten <0.ten
C22..ii <0.10 <0.x <0.10 <0.x
C22.3 <0.x <0.10 <0.10 <0.10
C22.4 <0.x <0.ten <0.10 <0.10
C22.5 <0.10 <0.10 <0.14 <0.10
C22.6 <0.10 <0.x <0.22 <0.x
C24.0 <0.10 <0.12 <0.10 <0.10
C24.50 <0.10 <0.x <0.10 <0.x
Unknown components 0.56 0.72 1.03 1.96
MIU analysis
Wet and volatiles 0.12 0.38 0.24 0.17
Insoluble impurities 0.08 0.06 0.29 0.12
Unsaponifiable affair 0.51 0.42 0.73 0.30

Abbreviation: MIU, wet, impurities, and unsaponifiables.

Data from Woodson-Tenent Laboratories, Memphis, TN, Us.

Table 8. Fatty acrid limerick of mutual feed animal fats, fish oils, and vegetable oils

Lipid source IFN a Percent of full fatty acids
xiv:0 16:0 16:1 eighteen:0 18:1 18:two n-6 18:3 n-three 18:4 north-3 20:1 20:4 n-6 20:5 n-iii 22:1 22:v north-three 22:6 due north-3 Sn-6 Sn-3 n-3/n-6 ratio
Beast fatty
Beef tallow four-08-127 iii.seven 24.9 4.2 18.nine 36.0 3.i 0.6 - b 0.iii - - - - - 3.1 0.6 0.nineteen
Pork fatty 4-04-790 one.iii 23.8 2.7 thirteen.5 41.2 10.2 1.0 - 1.0 - - - - - ten.2 1.0 0.10
Poultry fatty 4-09-319 0.nine 21.6 five.7 6.0 37.3 nineteen.five i.0 1.1 0.one - - - - - 19.vi 1.0 0.05
Fish oils
Anchovy seven.four 17.4 ten.5 4.0 11.half-dozen 1.2 0.viii 3.0 1.half-dozen 0.1 17.0 ane.ii one.6 eight.eight i.three 31.2 24.0
Cod liver 7-01-994 3.2 13.v 9.viii 2.seven 23.7 ane.iv 0.6 0.9 7.four 1.6 11.2 5.ane 1.7 12.half dozen iii.0 27.0 9.0
Capelin vii-16-709 7.nine eleven.1 11.1 ane.0 17.0 1.seven 0.4 2.i 18.9 0.ane four.6 14.vii 0.3 3.0 1.8 12.2 half dozen.78
Channel catfish, cultured i.iv 17.4 2.9 half-dozen.i 49.i 10.5 ane.0 0.2 1.iv 0.three 0.4 - 0.3 1.3 12.7 3.2 0.25
Herring, Atlantic 7-08-048 vi.4 12.seven 8.8 0.9 12.seven 1.one 0.vi i.7 xiv.1 0.3 8.4 20.8 0.8 four.ix ane.four 17.8 12.71
Herring, Pacific 5.seven 16.6 seven.6 i.eight 22.vii 0.six 0.iv one.vi x.7 0.4 viii.1 12.0 0.viii four.viii 1.0 15.7 15.seven
Menhaden 7-08-049 7.3 19.0 9.0 4.2 13.2 1.3 0.3 ii.8 2.0 0.2 11.0 0.vi 1.nine 9.one one.five 25.1 16.73
Redfish 4.9 xiii.2 13.two 2.2 thirteen.3 0.9 0.5 one.1 17.ii 0.3 8.0 18.9 0.6 8.ix ane.two 19.ane 15.92
Salmon, ocean defenseless 3.vii x.2 8.7 4.7 18.6 1.2 0.6 two.one viii.four 0.ix 12.0 five.5 2.9 13.8 2.1 31.4 fifteen.00
Vegetable oil
Canola four-06-144 - 3.i - one.5 60.half-dozen 20.ii 12.0 - 1.3 - - 1.0 - - 20.2 12.0 5.94
Coconut 4-09-320 16.eight 8.two - ii.viii 5.8 ane.8 - - - - - - - - one.8 0.0 0.0
Corn 4-07-882 - 10.9 - 1.8 24.ii 58.0 0.7 - - - - - - - 58.0 0.7 0.01
Cottonseed four-20-836 0.eight 22.7 0.8 2.three 17.0 51.5 0.2 - - - - - - - 51.5 0.2 0.04
Linseed 4-xiv-502 - v.3 - 4.1 xx.two 12.seven 53.3 - - - - - 12.7 53.3 4.2
Palm 1.0 43.v 0.3 4.iii 36.six 9.ane 0.2 - 0.one - - - 9.one 0.2 0.02
Peanut 4-03-658 0.ane 9.5 0.1 2.2 44.8 32.0 - 1.3 - - - - 32.0 0.0 0.0
Safflower 4-20-526 0.1 6.2 0.4 2.2 11.vii 74.i 0.4 - - - - - - 74.1 0.4 0.0
Soybean 4-07-983 0.1 10.3 0.2 3.8 22.eight 51.0 vi.8 0.2 - - - - 51.0 6.8 0.13
Sunflower 4-20-833 - v.ix - iv.5 19.v 65.7 - - - - - - - - 65.vii 0.0 0.0
IFN, International Feed Number.
Dash indicates that measurements were taken but no values were detected.

Tallow tin be categorized every bit a saturated fat with its chief fat acrid profile that consists of palmitic (16:0), stearic (18:0), and oleic (xviii:1) acids. These qualities position tallow every bit the most appropriate feed ingredient for use in ruminant diets. When dairy cattle diets are fortified with tallow at 0.45–0.ninety   kg per cow per twenty-four hours, a routine positive milk production response is accomplished. Studies have demonstrated a 6% comeback in feed efficiency incorporating tallow in feedlot cattle rations. Tallow has been utilized nearly recently in finishing diets for swine and in sow diets to improve pork quality. Scientists continue to explore the benefits of tallow as a feed supplement for improving feed efficiency; reducing feed dust; preventing segregation of ingredients; improving meat quality; and slightly modifying fatty acid profiles in meat, milk, and egg products equally well as numerous expanded uses in both the industrial and feed ingredient industries.

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Valorization of lipid by-products

Ana P. Carvalho , ... Clara Grosso , in Lipids and Edible Oils, 2020

4.3.3 Extraction technologies

Tallow and lard are separated from animal fatty tissues past rendering processes that split fat content from bones and meat poly peptide, which are obtained past moisture or dry out rendering using thermal heating equipment in a continuous process or in batches ( Prieto and García-López, 2014; Rahman et al., 2014). Rendering is a thermal-based process that converts waste animal tissue into other stable and usable products like lard or tallow. Co-ordinate to Woodgate and van der Veen (2004), estimated utilization of slaughtered animal for production of edible and inedible fatty by rendering is effectually 30% of animal weight. The most used rendering refer to the processing of loftier fat raw materials which are outset submitted to size reduction, heating treatment, and then to pressure giving origin to some sub-products, namely, press block rich in protein and rough animal fat (Woodgate and van der Veen, 2004). The practical processes of rendering are generally based on wet melting (lower than boiling temperature), dry rendering using driers (higher temperatures), or hybrid systems. In general, wet rendering is more used where heat-sensitive, high-value products like fish oils, edible fats, or poultry fats are produced (Martin, 2013). The quality and source of raw material (meat past-products) are also important determinant factors for the quality of the edible extracted fat. According to Rahman et al. (2014), rendered lard tin be used directly as edible fat without farther processing merely bleaching and deodorization steps are used on tallow and lard earlier being ready for its apply in nutrient in detail to remove chief impurities such equally proteins and free fatty acids that could result from the rendering process (O'Brien, 2009).

The fat acid composition and some chemical characteristics of lard or tallow depend on the animal species (Tabular array 4.3) as well as on its feeding methods (intensive or extensive) and the different parts of the animals such as bones, skin or meat, among others, and the rendering process.

Tabular array iv.3. Chemical characteristics and fat acid (FA) composition of lard or tallow from unlike meat species

Edible fatty Melting point (°C) Iodine value Saturated FA (%) Unsaturated FA (%)
Beef tallow 40–l 25–45 46.0–55.0 45.0–51.0
Pork lard 34–44 45–75 38.0–43.5 54.0–62.0
Poultry fatty 23–40 65–75 25.0–31.v 57.0–75.0

Adjusted from Martin, A., 2013. Animal Fats. Edible Oil Processing. Available from: http://lipidlibrary.aocs.org/OilsFats/content.cfm?ItemNumber=40320 (Accessed eighth November, 2018).

Non much has been invested to extract fatty acids, with nutritional and/or biological properties, from meat by-products. Wehling et al. (1992) used supercritical carbon dioxide extraction to excerpt cholesterol and other lipids from dehydrated beef powders and chunks, with the purpose of reducing cholesterol and lipid contents in these meat products. However the use of this or other extraction engineering science could be explored to extract important fatty acids from meat past-products. Information technology would be a question of balance between costs and respective income for the meat industries. Nowadays, more focus is been applied to produce biodiesel from low cost beast fat by-products (Toldrá et al. 2016; Okoro et al., 2017).

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Vegetable Fats and Oils

In Fats and Oils Handbook, 1998

iv.three.17 Borneo Tallow

Kalimantan tallow (also called illipé butter) draws its primary importance from the fact that it is well suited as a source material for cocoa butter substitutes (see Affiliate 6.ii.iii.5). Small portions likewise get into the cosmetics and detergent industries. The tree from the family unit of shoreae begins to develop fruit after 18–20 years. It mainly grows wild, and as the proper noun already indicates, its main growing area is the island of Borneo. The production varies from yr to yr and is heavily dependent on the weather; for example, in a year of heavy rain, the areas in which the copse grow tin scarcely exist reached, and the nuts are flushed away.

Often the copse grow in swamps or along river banks. 1 way to collect the floating nuts is to construct bamboo barricades that block their mode downward the rivers. Information technology is said that the trees grown in plantations have a yield of 1100 kg/ha. The kernels contain 45–70% fatty. To separate the kernels, the nut either has to exist separate mechanically or brought to germination. The shell is so removed manually. The cake from borneo nut extraction tin be fed. It resembles peanut meal, but with ∼10% less protein.

Borneo tallow has the fatty acid limerick shown in Figure 4.146. In add-on to the acids shown, up to 0.3% linolenic acid tin be found, and in farthermost cases, two.eight% linoleic acrid. The iodine value is 30–38, and its solidification bespeak lies between 22 and 30°C. The main types of triglycerides accept one or ii double bonds (Fig. 4.147). The fact file gives the physical data (Table 4.69).

Fig. 4.146a. Illipé plant, nuts, and limerick of illipé nuts.

(photo: courtesy of Karlshamns, Karlshamn)

Fig. 4.147. Triglyceride composition of borneo tallow.

(after Meara and Zuky 1940) and shea butter (afterwards Sawadogo and Bezard 1982)

Table 4.69. Fact File of Borneo Tallow (Illipé Butter)

German: Borneotalg, Illipébutter French: suif de Bornéo Castilian: aceite de kalimantan
Relative density (at 40°C; ref. water 20°C) 0.901–0.902
Refractive index (nD forty) i.459–i.462
Iodine value (Wijs method) 50–64
Unsaponifiable matter (g/kg oil) 14–23
Melting point 25–29°C Solidification bespeak 17–22°C
Solids content at (°C/°F) 0/32 10/50 xx/68 30/86 35/95
(%) eighty 75 58 0 0
World market price per MT (mid-1995) 2300 U.S. $

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Vegetable Oils: Types and Properties

A.J. Dijkstra , in Encyclopedia of Food and Health, 2016

Borneo tallow (Shorea stenoptera)

Borneo tallow is besides called illipe butter. It is obtained from a tropical tree vi–fifteen  m loftier with five   cm basics. The kernels are enclosed in a sparse, breakable example fix in an acorn-like loving cup with winglike attachments that enable the nut to fall clear of the parent tree. The basics are nerveless from the ground and dried in the sunday until the shells are sufficiently brittle to be separated from the kernels by pounding in rice mortars. The seed is usually solvent-extracted. Similar meals are made from other Shorea species. Illipe butter is one of the fats that are allowed in chocolate in the EU equally cocoa butter equivalent.

The triglyceride composition of illipe butter makes it eminently suitable as a cocoa butter equivalent. Its major triglycerides are Pop (9%), Mail (29%), and StOSt (42%). It has therefore a college stearic acid content than cocoa butter itself and thus also a higher StOSt content, which can be used to 'offset' the high POP (P   =   16:0) content of the much cheaper palm oil midfraction that is also allowed in chocolate.

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Fractionation of lipids for use in food

V. Gibon , in Modifying Lipids for Use in Food, 2006

Edible beef tallow

Edible beef tallow has some similarities with palm oil: the major saturated moiety in both materials is palmitate and the major unsaturated is oleate. Beef tallow has more stearate and less linoleate than palm oil which enhances its oxidative stability. Different possibilities of unmarried, double and triple fractionation routes tin exist followed. In the triple fractionation scheme ( Fig. 10.12), a broad diversity of products, ranging from super stearin with dropping point 54 °C to top olein with very depression cloud bespeak, can be obtained. The stearin can be used to harden shortenings, table and puff-pastry margarines, without hydrogenation. The olein is a natural pourable deep frying shortening. Super olein and superlative olein can be used as ingredients of low-toll salad oils in some countries, blended with seed oils. The potential to re-fractionate the stearin in super hard stearin makes edible beef tallow an fantabulous basis to substitute hardened products at good price.

Fig. ten.12. Multi-stride dry fractionation of edible beef tallow (CP = cloud point, DP = dropping point).

Intermediate products with other melting characteristics tin also be tailored; as an example, the olein issued from single-phase fractionation has received a great deal of attention every bit a frying oil due to its high content of polyunsaturated triacylglycerols. This product is nevertheless sold on the Belgian marketplace for frying applications under the commercial proper name 'Blanc de Boeuf/Ossewit'.

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Saturated fats in foods and strategies for their replacement: an introduction

G. Talbot , in Reducing Saturated Fats in Foods, 2011

13.5 Lard

Although beef tallow has some nutrient uses both industrially and domestically, lard is probably the more widely used brute fatty in food. Consumption in the U.k. has been depression over the time menses considered but, even, within that timescale, it has been in a steady decline from 66 600 tonnes in 1995 to eighteen 600 tonnes in 2009 ( Fig. ane.9). In contrast there has been an increase in consumption in the United States between 2004 and 2009, having been fairly constant to that point, while Eu consumption has increased steadily from 1995 to 2007 with a big increase between 1999 and 2000 when the size of the EU increased.

Fig. ane.9. Consumption of lard (EU, U.s., U.k., 1995–2009).

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Bleaching of Of import Fats and Oils

H.B.Due west. Patterson , in Bleaching and Purifying Fats and Oils (Second Edition), 2009

Beef Tallow

Fat derived from cattle is ordinarily softer than that from sheep or goats, and, as with pigs, inner organs yield the firmest fat (lower IV) and subcutaneous tissue the softest. Codex Alimentarius (Codex Stan. thirty-1981) for Premier Jus (oleo stock) limits the fat to exist rendered at low heat from certain inner organs of healthy bovine animals collected at slaughtering fourth dimension (Baldwin, 1985; Bates, 1968; Zucker, 1968). Climate and nutrition take a marked event on the fatty acid makeup of tallow. One may derive edible tallow or dripping, according to Codex Stan. 31-1981, from a considerably wider range of organs, and one may include sheep. As with lard, a huge array of minute proportions of fatty acid with branched or uneven-numbered carbon chains was identified. Tabular array 4.3 shows a simplified range of typical fat acid compositions for Premier Jus.

TABLE iv.3. Typical Ranges of Fatty acid Composition of Premier Jus

Acrid type % Acid blazon %
C <14 <2.v C17:0 0.v-2.0
C14:0 i.iv-6.3 C17:1 <1.0
C14:1 0.5-1.5 C18:0 6-40
C15:0 0.5-1.0 C18:1 26-50
0 iso <1.five C18:2 0.5-five.0
C16:0 twenty-37 C18:3 <ii.v
0 iso <0.v C20:0 <0.5
C16:1 0.7-8.8 C20:ane <0.five
C16:2 <one.0 C20:4 <0.5

A detailed fatty acid composition covering Premier Jus and edible tallow is provided in Codex Alimentarius Vol. Xi, Supplement 1 (1983). Table 4.four indicates the standards to be followed for tallows which are for edible use. The better qualities inside the superior grade are the just ones likely to be used in such a style without refining. Procedures for this refining were described in detail (Patterson, 1975, 1976). The processors must decide whether the 2% max. of free fatty acid for junior tallow represents a rigid requirement or non, considering they may exist prepared to meet an increased refining cost to achieve specification. If a refined edible tallow is included in edible tallow, the Codex requires this to be stated on the label. Tallow hydrogenated to an iodine value of <3 provides a source of stearic acrid for conversion to monoglyceride emulsifiers of edible grade. If these are distilled, an fifty-fifty lighter product is obtained. I is unwise to gauge tallow but on the ground of colour because some parcels reply to bleaching much more than others. Furthermore, a packet may be made to await meliorate by the vendor just by blending in a proportion of already-bleached tallow. In this case, the response to bleaching is virtually certain to be less than that of an untreated tallow of the aforementioned colour. Tallow provides a proficient case of how some preliminary cleaning of feedstock makes subsequent steps—such as bleaching, hydrogenation, and and so forth—and then much more effective. If a genuine superior-course tallow is subjected to ii% of activated-earth bleach prior to hydrogenation, the ultimate hardened fat and the monoglycerides are likely to accept the required very lite color. The instance may well be, however, if a poorer and cheaper grade is chosen, neutralized, washed, and then bleached and hardened, the color of the hardened oil in this example volition also bear witness satisfactory for the product of monoglycerides. In such a case, the following progression was quoted (Patterson, 1983, 1989): neutralized + washed, 5–18 R (v¼"); bleached, ii–4 R (5¼"); fully hardened and postal service-treated, 0.ii R (i"). Remnants of polyethylene packaging are a nuisance in some parcels of animal fats. If a sample kept for 5 hours at 60°C remains completely articulate, negligible or no plastic is present. If cloudiness is believed to be due to the separation of some stearin, the sample must be dissolved in a solvent, filtered, and the infrared spectrophotometric absorption checked. Ordinarily, afterwards bleaching, fatty is filtered at ca. 90°C; if, however, filtration temperature is lowered below 70°C, whatever polyethylene will agglomerate, and, hence, filtration reduces plastic content below 20 ppm.

Tabular array 4.4. Characteristics of Unprocessed Beef Tallow—Top Form

Superior, Normal, Inferior
Complimentary fatty acid (% maximum) (mol wt 282) 1.0 1.v 2.0
Unsaponifiable (% maximum) 0.eight 0.8 ane.5
Moisture plus impurities (%) 0.1 ane.0
Color maximum (Y + R 1″) ten + ane 18 + 1.8 25 + ii.five
Iodine value 33-58
Saponification value 190-203
Peroxide value (meq) 2-3
m.p. (°C) 40-48
Titer (°C) twoscore-47
Swift life a (minimum hours to give a peroxide value of x) 14 seven
Swift life is the number of hours required to reach a stated peroxide value when a sample is aerated at ca. 150 cm3 of air/minute at 98° 0.5°C.


For a tallow which was neutralized and washed, the color should fall in the range of 160 Y 18 R (5¼") to 50 Y v.0 R (5¼"). For peak grades, a choice is available betwixt upwardly to ane% of mildly activated clay (Fulmont 300C, Tonsil Standard FF, Engelhard F4, or Galleon NS) or about 0.3% of well-activated dirt (Fulmont AA, Tonsil L80FF, Engelhard 105 or 105SF, Galleon North, or NF2). A contact fourth dimension of 20 minutes at 95–100°C is normal. Beyond these choices, the limiting dose of clay should be 2%. Very agile clays such as Fulmont XMP3, Tonsil Optimum FF, Engelhard F160, and Galleon V2 could be used. Sometimes 0.five–1% of activated carbon in improver to the clay may improve colour and clarity. (Meet section Full general Principles in Chapter 4.)

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Formation, Analysis, and Health Furnishings of Oxidized Sterols in Frying Fat

Paresh C. Dutta , ... Professor emeritus Lars-Åke Appelqvist , in Deep Frying (Second Edition), 2007

Issue of Processing on Sterols in Lard and Tallow

Afterwards extraction, lard and tallow undergo more or less advanced refining processes, depending on the end utilize of the products ( 104). In contrast to vegetable oil, animal fat almost exclusively contains cholesterol as the chief sterol, and thus is the major sterol in both lard and tallow. Content of cholesterol ranges from 0.37–0.42% in lard, 0.08–0.xiv% in beefiness tallow, and 0.23–0.31% in mutton tallow (42). Several recent reviews also deal with the content of degradation products of cholesterol in lard and tallow, forth with different food products (36,37,39). Still, these reports mainly concern cholesterol oxidation products in lard and tallow treated only in laboratory conditions.

Kanematsu et al. (95) studied dissimilar animate being and vegetable fats and oils for content of sterols during refining. In crude beefiness tallow and pork fat, the sterol content was i.94 mg/yard and 1.03 mg/g, respectively, which decreased to 0.xc and 0.38 mg/g, respectively, later hydrogenation and deodorization. Sugano et al. (97) studied the event of different methods of hydrogenation on cholesterol. They demonstrated that almost all cholesterol converts to the saturated counterpart, cholestanol, subsequently complete hydrogenation. The content of cholestanol in unhydrogenated lard was nowadays only as i.two% of cholesterol, which increased to 32% nether fractional hydrogenation, and to 96.iv% post-obit complete hydrogenation. Fedeli et al. (105) did non notice whatsoever significant difference in proportions of different sterols in lard after processing. For instance, cholesterol was at 98.9% in lard from adipose tissue, whereas, after refining, it changed slightly to 98.5%, although the percentages of sterols in total unsaponifiables decreased from 69 to 66%. Nourooz-Zadeh and Appelqvist (35) in a comprehensive report on different refined and unrefined lard found traces or quantifiable amounts of oxidized cholesterols. Tabular array 7.8 presents the content of different cholesterol oxides in different lard samples. Schulte (86) reported cholestadiene, the aridity product of cholesterol, at a level of 17.3 ppm in commercial lard. Similarly, in margarine, the author identified cholestadiene in diverse amounts, probably generated during the refining of beast fat.

TABLE 7.viii. Content of Cholesterol Oxides in Refined and Unrefined Lard

Cholesterol Oxides b , ppm
Company a Lot Quality 5α,6α-epoxy 7-keto 7a-hydroxy 20α-hydroxy 25-hydroxy
A 1 Unrefined 0.3 TR c TR ND d ND
A one Refined 0.3 TR TR ND ND
A A Unrefined ND 0.2 TR TR TR
A two Refined d ND 0.2 TR TR TR
B 3 Unrefined TR TR ND 0.3 TR
B iii Refined and deoderized e TR TR TR 0.2 ND
B 3 Refined and deoderized f TR TR TR TR ND
B 4 Unrefined ND 0.ii TR TR TR
B 5 Unrefined ND 0.iii TR 0.3 0.2
B half dozen Unrefined ND 0.3 TR 0.3 0.two
B 7 Unrefined ND 0.iii TR TR TR
A, Andelsflott plant, Göteborg, Sweden; B, Konvex plant Kävlinge, Sweden.
The 5α6α-epoxycholestanol, 7β-hydroxycholestertol, and cholestane-triol were not detected; detection limit 0.ane ppm.
TR = Trace ( &lt; 0.1 ppm).
ND = Not detected.
Refined, bleached with Tonsil LFF80 one% and deodorized in a pilot plant at the Margarine Company, Helsingborg, Sweden.
Refined, bleached with Tonisil LFF80 1% and deodorized in a airplane pilot plant at the Karlshamns AB, Karlshamn, Sweden.

Source: Nourooz-Zadeh and Appelqvist (35).

Recently, oxidation of cholesterol during the bleaching and deodorization process of tallow was studied (106). Only cholest-5-en-3β,7β-diol (7β-HC) and 5β, 6β-epoxy-5β-cholestan-3β-ol (β-CE) could be quantified in the samples of crude and refined tallow. The content of 7β-HC was slightly higher in the candy tallow (0.half-dozen–0.seven μg/g) compared with natural tallow (0.two μg/grand). However, the content of β-CE increased considerably during processing, ranging from 0.8 μg/g to iii.four mg/g, compared with 0.half dozen μg/chiliad in the natural tallow (Tabular array 7.9). The authors observed that the content of β-CE was influenced past temperature, duration, and blazon of bleaching earth (106).

Table vii.nine. Content of Two Cholesterol Oxidation Products (μg/g, hateful of duplicate) in Natural-, Bleached-, and Deodorised Tallow

Sample No. Bleaching world type Time (min) Temperature (°C) Steam (%) Pressure (mbar) Cholesterol 7β-OH a μg/g tallow ± SEM β-CE b
Natural tallow
i 502 0.17 0.60
± ± 0.03 ± 0.xv
Bleached tallow
2 1% Optimum 215 c 30 100 0.69 2.65
± 0.02 ± 0.60
iii ane% Optimum 215 60 80 0.69 3.37
± 0.07 ± 0.23
iv 2% Optimim 215 30 fourscore 0.49 1.48
± 0.01 ± 0.29
5 one% Standard 310 d 30 100 0.lx i.98
± 0.09 ± 0.45
6 1% Ex 640 e 30 100 0.69 0.81
± 0.08 ± 0.12
Deodorised tallow
seven f 45 230 1 2 0.60 2.09
± 0.07 ± 0.36
5β, 6β-epoxy- 5β-cholestan-3β-ol.
Very acrid-activated bleaching earth.
Standard acid-activated bleaching earth.
Natural bleaching world.
Bleached according to condition of sample No. ii.

Source: Verleyen et al. (106).

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Modification of Fats and Oils

In Fats and Oils Handbook, 1998

6.ii.3.2 Beef Tallow.

Apart from lard, beef tallow is the most fractionated animal fatty. The differences in the concrete backdrop of the fractions are much greater than in lard. This becomes apparent in Figure 6.49, which shows the proportion of some fractions depending on the fractionation temperature. If a three-phase separation is conducted co-ordinate to the fractionation tree principle, Argentinean beefiness tallow can exist separated into iv products of considerably different properties (Fig. six.l). Fractions obtained at different temperatures are shown in Effigy 6.51, reflected by their fat acid composition. Table 6.8 gives the fractionation results for double-stage fractionation of tallow at a constant first temperature and diverse second temperatures. The solids content of part of these fractions is given in Figures 6.52, 6.53, and half dozen.54. With the use of this technique, products can exist obtained that incorporate very unlike portions of solids at equal temperature. OO-fractions can be used equally liquid shortenings, Bone and And so fractions every bit shortenings. The SS part is usually used upwardly in the lather manufacture. Its melting temperature lies significantly above body temperature making information technology unsuitable for human consumption.

Fig. 6.49. Multistage fractionation of edible tallow (subsequently Gander 1969).

Fig. vi.50. Three-stage fractionation of edible tallow (after Deffense 1984).

Fig. six.51. Fatty acid composition of different fractions of Argentinean tallow.

TABLE 6.8. Characteristics of Tallow and Its Fractions from Double-Stage Fractionation a

Melting bespeak Yield
Iodine value, IV (°C) (°F) (%) (% of initial) Code
Tallow 45.0 45.one 113.ii n
Olein O36 49.0 36.two 97.2 66.0 a
O36–South20 40.eight 105.4 47.9 31.6 Aa
O36–S22 42.two 41.9 107.iv 37.4 24.half dozen Ab
O36–S24 41.seven 42.7 108.nine 30.4 twenty.0 Ac
O36–South26 41.three 43.4 110.1 25.three sixteen.7 Advertising
O36–S28 39.6 44.ii 111.vi 19.0 12.5 Ae
O36–S29 38.3 44.7 112.5 14.8 9.viii Af
O36–O20 55.ii 10.5 T l.9 T 52.1 34.four Ag
O36–O22 54.2 22.3 72.1 62.half dozen 41.4 Ah
O36–O24 53.eight 24.five 76.one 69.6 46.0 Ai
O36–O26 52.iv 26.6 79.nine 74.seven 49.iii Aj
O36–O28 51.eight 29.0 84.2 80.ix 53.5 Ak
O36–O29 51.4 30.4 86.7 85.2 56.2 Al
Stearin S36 36.1 50.8 123.4 34.0 H
S36–Due south45 thirty.6 53.2 127.8 58.viii xx.0 Ha
S36–S46 thirty.6 53.3 127.9 57.ane nineteen.four Hb
S36–Due south47 29.four 54.0 129.2 47.6 sixteen.2 Hc
S36–Southward48 27.1 54.7 130.5 32.half-dozen eleven.1 Hd
Due south36–O45 42.0 44.9 112.8 41.2 14.0 He
S36–O46 42.0 45.4 113.7 42.9 14.6 Hf
Southward36–O47 a 40.9 46.4 115.v 52.4 17.8 Hg
S36–O48 40.0 47.5 117.v 67.iv 22.9 Hh
Source: Deffense.

Fig. 6.52. Solids content of tallow olein O36 and its double-stage fractions (trials from Table 6.eight).

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